Solo exhibition, 2019
active objects, performance art, sound installation, video art, photos
Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine Kiev
Kyiv Music Fest
Curatorial team: Andrey Merkhel, Igor Savchuk, Asmati Chibalashvili
Cooperation with Ukrainian artists:
composer: Tetyana Khoroshun
choreography: Olga Kebas
perform: Olga Kebas, Jenn Kesja Ani Zur, Oksana Leuta, Sonya Yevmina, Maria Koltunik, Alona Yanovskaya,
Ann Kushnirenko, Flora Borovyk , Fyodor Khorkov, Tetiana Kornieieva
Support: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, „Polish culture in the world”,
The Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan

Photos: Elza Zherebchuk